01639 865 494

3 months to 2 years, Briton Ferry
Our babies and toddlers share a carefully designed space in which they are free to explore every aspect of their senses. The baby led approach provides flexiblity to accomodate the ever changing needs and routines of your baby or child.
Upon arriving at Nursery, your child will be welcomed by their key worker. Our practitioners are well experienced in supporting both you and your child through this transition as we understand it can be a challenging and emotional time.
The classroom follows the free flow principle of the Montessori method, meaning the babies and toddlers develop independence in choosing which acitivities they wish to participate. Introduction to practical life activities, care of oneself, others and the environment supports the physical, social and emotional development of your child.
Children in the early years explore the world around them with their whole bodies. The teaching programme provides a variety of experiences to stimulate the senses and opportunity for the children to explore their natural curiosities at length.
The children have daily access to the Nursery garden and regularly visit the local park which is just a short walk away.
For more information please give us a call or arrange a viewing.
2 to 4 years, Briton Ferry
3 to 6 years, Cilffriw
The Nursery classroom is open plan allowing freedom of movement and integration of several areas of learning into their chosen play. The environment is carefully prepared by practitioners to challenge and support your child's development and interests.
We have a higher staff to child ratio to ensure that each of our children are properly supported in their work to get the best from their learning experiences.
When arriving at Nursery, children will be welcomed by their Key Worker and given time to prepare themselves for the day by storing their belongings and completing self registration. The option will be available to engage in a peaceful morning activity with the group, such as yoga.
Once settled and breakfast enjoyed, the morning work cycle beings. Throughout the session children have the opportunity to work with the Montessori materials, encouraging development of their motor skills, creative thinking and self-esteem.
At lunch time the children help to prepare the tables and eat together alongside their key workers. Following the midday meal the children have the opportunity to rest by choice of sleep or participation in calming activities such as story time or mindfulness.
The afternoon work cycle offers the children an opportunity to reflect on the morning's activities and consolidate their learning. Practitioner-led actvities are available to enhance these skills, including lessons in cookery, botany and engineering. Periods of group work aid the development of social, communication and reasoning skills, building a strong foundation for future learning experiences.

The Nursery garden is an extension of our indoor classroom to which the children have the freedom to access throughout the day, whatever the weather!
Visits to the local park are integrated into the children's week. Here they are able to participate in Forest School style activities, building their self-confidence, team working skills and awareness for the natural world.

Loose parts play is imperative to fuel children's curiosity and appetite for learning. Engagement in this style play build skills in communication, divergent and creative problem solving and self regulation.

Children are natural creators. Creative resources are accessible throughout the day to encourage self expression through art and design.
The imaginative play area is comprised of natural and real life objects. The act of role play encourages children to imitate and consolidate what they percieve in the world around them and provides an endless stream of challenges to thinking and behaviour as children encounter or create problems to be solved. Engaging in imaginative play develops your child's awareness for the needs of others, stimulating their own social, emotional and language development as they establish self-control.
Please get in touch for more information about our early years programmes!
Up to 12 years, Cilffriw
Tŷ Plant Community Club provides a relaxed and safe space for children to unwind after the school day. Following a nutritious energy boost, children will have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of activities to build confidence and real life skills.